



來源:http://www.whafc.com/ 時間:2024-04-11 瀏覽量:0


The construction specifications for curbstones require the following:


1. The roadside stones must be constructed with a hanging line, and the elevation line indicated on the top surface of the side plane should be tightened. The side flat stones should be built according to the line code, and the side flat stones should be upright. It is important to avoid leaning forward and backward. The side top line should be straight, smooth, and smooth, without any high or low misalignment, and there should be no upper or lower misalignment or internal or external misalignment on the plane.



2. The roadside stones must be built with mortar, and the mortar must be dense. It is strictly prohibited to block the joints for masonry;


3. The misalignment at the joint of the curbstone shall not exceed 1mm; The side stones and flat stones must be evenly staggered in the middle.


4. The flat stones on the roadside should ensure that their size and smoothness meet the design requirements. The appearance is beautiful, and the side stones of the curved section should be specially processed according to the design radius. During masonry, it should be ensured that the line shape is smooth, round, and the joints are tight. The curved side stones must be manually chiseled and polished.


5. The back of the curbstone should be compacted with soil, with a compaction width of no less than 50mm and a thickness of no less than 15mm.


6. Road edge stone pointing: When pointing, a line must be hung again to remove debris from the side stone joints, moisten them with water, and then fill and dry the joints with 1:2.5 cement mortar.


7. After pointing and laying the side stones, water them appropriately for maintenance.


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