
來(lái)源:http://www.whafc.com/ 時(shí)間:2024-08-27 瀏覽量:0


1、 What is permeable brick?


When we hear its name, we can easily understand that permeable bricks are a type of brick material with good water permeability. Due to its strong permeability, it is often used in urban road construction, but some friends also use it for courtyard decoration. The main principle of water absorption in permeable bricks is to absorb water into the brick body and then discharge it underground, thus preventing the problem of water accumulation on the road surface. So high-quality permeable bricks can withstand the flood control effect. Permeable bricks were actually introduced from abroad and originated in the Netherlands. During the process of building cities around the sea, the Dutch discovered that the ground would continuously sink due to long-term lack of contact with water after the seawater was drained. Once the embankment on the coast was breached, the seawater would quickly rush into cities much lower than the water level, even flooding the entire city. Therefore, in order to prevent the ground from sinking, the Dutch created Dutch bricks, also known as permeable bricks.



2、 What are the advantages and disadvantages of permeable bricks?




1. The ventilation performance of permeable bricks is very strong. When it rains, rainwater will quickly seep into the ground, so that the ground will not accumulate water and will not affect people's lives.


2. In the severe weather of rainstorm, the pressure on the urban drainage system has been alleviated, which can well prevent the problem of sewage on the pavement in public areas.


3. The interior of permeable bricks is hollow, which can absorb the noise, water absorption, and heat of passing vehicles, and can alleviate the heat island effect, which is extremely significant in coastal cities.


4. The surface of permeable bricks is very rough, which can prevent road reflection and slippage, thus reducing traffic accidents to a certain extent.


5. Permeable bricks will not accumulate water on the road surface after rain, and the road surface will not slip after snow, making it convenient for citizens to travel safely.




1. Because permeable bricks are usually laid outdoors, they are prone to quality issues in some areas due to prolonged exposure to strong winds and rain, as well as vehicle traffic.


2. There are many internal gaps in permeable bricks, which result in low compressive, flexural, and wear-resistant strength. So there may be a problem of easy breakage.


3. Permeable bricks are easily damaged, and after damage, relevant departments need to repair and maintain them again, resulting in increased work pressure for the relevant departments.


4. At present, there is no relatively mature technology to remove dust, impurities, and other sediments accumulated in the gaps of permeable bricks


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