
來源:http://www.whafc.com/ 時(shí)間:2024-04-09 瀏覽量:0


1. When cleaning the bluestone roadside stones, clean cleaning tools should be selected to prevent secondary pollution of the stones; When cleaning, be careful not to use water to punch the bluestone curbstone. It is also important to note that we use warm water for cleaning during the cleaning process, as warm water is prone to evaporation and there will not be too much water left on the surface of the stone. This is because the high moisture on the surface of the bluestone curbstone can easily penetrate into the interior of the stone, damage the internal structure, and affect the service life and quality of the bluestone curbstone;



2. If there are oil stains or stains on the surface of the bluestone road that are difficult to clean, we can first clean them with cleaning agents and then use tools to clean them thoroughly to prevent residual substances from being left behind; When choosing cleaning agents, we should also pay attention to choosing neutral cleaning agents, because cleaning agents usually contain acidic and alkaline components, which can easily cause corrosion to the stone.

3、清洗的方法有很多種,列如、水蒸氣、低壓噴壺等,但是不同場(chǎng)合下使用的方法不同,所以在清理青石路沿石的時(shí)候,要根據(jù)實(shí)際情況進(jìn)行清理,以免影響清潔的效果, 減少對(duì)青石路沿石的傷害。

3. There are many methods for cleaning, such as steam, low-pressure spray cans, etc. However, the methods used in different situations are different. Therefore, when cleaning the bluestone curbstones, it is necessary to clean them according to the actual situation to avoid affecting the cleaning effect and reducing damage to the bluestone curbstones.


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